A couple years ago, I saw plastic canvases that were pre-shaped to make a small purse in a craft store, thought they were kind of interesting and decided to give it a try. I never used plastic canvases before, so I just winged it...

This is actually my second try. I didn't think about a closure when I started on the first one, and ended up using a toggle. While the toggle looked pretty cute, opening and closing was a pain. So, I planned ahead for the second one so that I could use a turn-lock.

I lined the entire purse with a piece of fleece that I had on hand... just glued it to the wrong side of plastic canvas after stitching the design on.

Back of the purse...
Also, I stitched on D-rings on the sides to attach the strap (from another purse).
Here are some in-process photos..

(このバッグ型については、数年前に日本で調べた時は、”ハマナカ副資材・プラスチックキャンバス” で検索したら、通販しているお店を見つけました。)