I finally finished this pink wool-blend jacket which I started last year for my mother.

The pattern is McCall's 7288. I picked this pattern because it has multiple cup-size options. My mother has difficulty finding jackets or shirts that fit because she is full-busted.

I completely changed the back; She liked a photo from my Pinterest page, which I believe is of one of Anthropology's cardigans. So I mimicked the style lines from the photo. I think it turned out pretty good... I had to make several mock ups to fiddle with the proportions (my mom is quite short).

I cut out simple sleeve-heads from left-over fleece fabric. No shoulder pads, but I think even just the sleeve-heads give nice shapes to the shoulder area.

Buttonholes were challenging because the fabric had stretch, and I also used stretchy tricot lining to keep the garment soft. Probably bound-button holes would've been easier----but I like to add button & buttonholes after the whole garment is made up, deciding their sizes and placements at the very end.

Benberg lining... should've added more ease, or should've used stretchy lining....???
One thing I disliked about the pattern is the sleeves. I feel like they hang funny... if I make the jacket again in the future, I'd draft up two-part sleeves.

In Theatre, I was taught that putting labels in before the garment is finished is a bad luck. Is there anything like that in fashion??