This is my January post for Burda Challenge 2018 (read about the challenge here). I am aware that it is already February, but I swear I made this jacket in January! Just didn't get around to writing about it...

Pattern: Cropped Jacket 08/2015
After completing my Burda Teaching Certification course (more about that coming up...), I wanted to experiment with the patterns that came with the course. This simple, no collar, no buttons, and no complicated interfacing jacket is a breeze to sew with a great outcome. It is my favorite pattern from the course, and I'm sure I'll be making more of them.

I wanted a jacket which has slightly more put-together feel than a hoodie parka, but soft and casual enough that it suits my stay-at-home-mom-to-a-toddler life.
I used poly-blend fabric from, which is super light and bouncy. One of the great things about this jacket is that it only uses about 1 yard each of fashion fabric and lining fabric. I used bits and pieces of leftover interfacing, so the total cost of material was less than $10. (Not too bad! )

"Burda way" of sewing up this jacket uses a lot of hand sewing, and it generates a great result. But I wanted to experiment and compare that to the "bagging" method, so that's what I did this time. It came out okay, but I have to say I like the result of the hand stitching method better. I'll continue to experiment with the next jacket...
Burda チャレンジに参加中です。毎月BurdaStyleのパターンを使って何か作る、というものです。もともとBurdaのパターンは完成度が高く、ラインの綺麗な洋服に仕上がるので気に入っています。